Wednesday, November 5, 2014

how to get your significant other to agree to a new sofa

photo 2-3

Hi guys! How've you been? We got a new sofa for our sitting room recently, our old one was starting to show signs of wear (mostly from my sweaty feet). Although it served us well over the past nine years, it was high time for a change. Here's my foolproof strategy in case you need to convince someone in your life that you need a new sofa:

1. Mention your contempt for the old sofa for about two years non-stop. At this point your main squeeze may gently remind you that there's nothing wrong with said sofa and that you once loved it dearly. In response, you let out a melodramatic sigh worthy of an Emmy.

2.  Agree to sell the old sofa, which you affectionately refer to as the brown beast, on kijiji before buying a replacement. But then procrastinate for months on end at which point your partner ends up doing it for you out of pure exasperation.

photo 1

3.  Tell your significant other, in an imploring manner, that you'd be willing to give up Starbucks chai lattes for a new sofa even though you both know darn well you don't have that kind of resolve.

4.  Ask to stop at the furniture store on a day that just happens to be your wedding anniversary
just to look around.

And finally,

5. Enjoy a chai latte while lounging (and wearing socks) on your new sofa.
Sofa: Gus Modern via Inspired Home Interiors
Throw: H&M Home
Rug, side table, lotus candle holder & printed pillow: HomeSense
Coffee table: Structube (similar)
Tray & Mongolian fur pillow: Chapters Indigo
Vase: Anthropologie
Mirrors: Superstore/Loblaws (old)
Brass bowl & lamp: Target
Wood coasters: Justine Ma: Design & Hand Lettering

P.S. Hope you're all doing well! I'll be back with a style post and front door reveal soon (because I can't call myself a blogger if I'm not blogging). Truthfully, I've been spending most of my time on Instagram and Facebook lately. Come and find me, if you haven't already!


  1. Replies
    1. Haha! Thanks Courtney. It's a plan that requires enormous amounts of patience and strategic wordsmithing.

  2. Haha, that's awesome! Kind of along the same plans as "let your husband think it was his idea first" ;)

    Love the new couch!

    1. Exactly, Brie! Sounds like you've been down this road too (;

  3. I like your way of thinking....I might have to try that myself.

    1. Let me know how it works out for you, Barbara! Just remember, patience is key (which admittedly I don't always have much of).

  4. Haha I love this!! Your living room is stunning - and I officially have new sofa envy! I guess it's time to start on the two year plan ;) XO, D

    1. Thanks, Diana! The room's a work in progress, but I'm happy with where it's going. Good luck with your two year plan, ladyfriend (:

  5. That sofa is beautiful! I love the tufting! And kudos on the colour :)

    1. Thanks, EJ! I've been pretty good at keeping my sweaty feet off of it so far. Haha (;

  6. Banana you are a pro. Lovely sofa choice too!

    1. Haha! Thanks, dude!

      p.s. I haven't been called Banana in about 25 years. Love it!


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