Tuesday, April 28, 2015

scott surprised me with a trip to...

I don't know where! Yes, you read that correctly. Tonight Scott surprised me with the news that on Saturday morning, this Saturday, my mom and I are heading somewhere warm for a week of rest and relaxation! AHHH. This guy of mine! My heart has been beating out of my chest with excitement since he told me. 

I have to be honest, as a major trip planner, this is all a bit surreal to me. That being said, I'm glad he gave me a few days to pack, shop (whenever a trip is imminent I freak out and feel like I need to buy ALL the things) and get back down to earth. Hours later and my head is still in the clouds. 

Has someone ever surprised you like this? How did you handle the news? After he told me, I burst into tears of joy and then kept on repeating, "Is this for real?" "This isn't a joke?" "Is this really happening?" Which is exactly what I said when he proposed to me thirteen years ago. Go figure.

Follow along on Instagram and Facebook to find out where the heck we're going. You'll get to find out when I do. I still can't believe it -- what an incredibly unexpected and beautiful surprise! Thank you so much, Scotty!

P.S. The craziest coincidence? I purchased this gorgeous Topshop bathing suit a couple of weeks ago for a song and was bemoaning the fact I had nowhere to wear it. Isn't life funny!?



  1. I love Scott!! Have an amazing time!

    1. Thank you so much Karen. He's a keeper, that's for certain! I'm vibrating with excitement!

  2. Ahhh! I love this! I'm so excited to find out where you're going and to follow along on the adventure! Happy for you - you deserve this! And rock that swim suit - it's gorge!

    1. That's so sweet of you to say, Kassey! Efharisto (: I asked him if this trip was a 40th birthday present and he said that it wasn't. He explained that he wanted me to have a relaxing & fun trip with my mom before we have our transfer. That's when I started crying. Again!

  3. What a good man! That swimsuit is AMAZING, and I hope you have a blast!

    1. Thanks Christina! I'm grateful to have such a thoughtful dude in my life. Not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight! So excited (:

  4. Oh wow! What a sweetheart of a man you've got there! I hope you have the best time and I'll be following along on Instagram.

    1. Thanks B! He is pretty great! I've always called him my oak tree and next week I'll be his palm tree (hopefully). (:

  5. When I was young, my Dad surprised my Mom with a trip to Bora Bora for her 40th bday. Pretty AMAZING trip!!! He even had it all planned out that his Mom came to stay with us kids while my parents were away. He only told her to pack for somewhere warm.

    1. Your Dad is flipping' awesome! And your Mom must've been flummoxed. Bora Bora is breathtaking (& at the top of my bucket list). Don't think we'll be going somewhere that exotic but hopefully it'll be as warm.

      P.S. I'm a notorious overpacker so this is going to be interesting (;

    2. Your P.S. struck me because I call myself "the world's best packer." I've traveled alot, and have it all down to a science. I always travel carry-on even when we've traveled for 2 months! Mixing and matching is key. 3 pairs of shoes max, although I usually can get it down to 2 pairs. Trust me, if you back a ton of stuff, you won't even wear half of it, and who wants to cart around a bunch of stuff? And if you're going to the beach, then all you need is a swimsuit and maybe a couple of cute dresses or skirts for the night. But yeah, I'm a no-nonsense, very practical chick who isn't into a ton of makeup, hair products, etc. I wash my hair, comb it, and I'm good to go. Good luck with your packing and have a fabulous trip!


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