Wednesday, September 23, 2015

the happiest news: we're all kinds of pregnant!

Well, hi. Wondering what I've been up to since my Mexico post? I took the entire summer off from blogging to start growing a couple of babies.

Yes, it's true!

After struggling with infertility for several years, I couldn't be more thrilled to announce that Scott and I are expecting twins in the new year (insert heart and confetti emojis here)!

It's been difficult to keep this news a secret and I've had to bite my tongue many times over the past few months. We're beyond elated and I'm not sure there are words sufficient enough to describe how we feel and how grateful we are (which is ironic coming from a lady who usually has so many words). Our hearts are bursting with love, happiness, excitement and joy and yeah, we're scared and nervous too but we'll figure things out, we always do.

We're finally growing our family! And yet even as I type those words, it still feels surreal. Not a day goes by that I don't turn to Scott and say, "Can you believe we're pregnant, dude? With twins? I'm so excited for us." And then I usually start to cry, overwhelmed by all of the emotions that come with yearning for something for so long and then finally having it become a reality. 

I’m almost 16 weeks along and my energy and appetite are s l o w l y coming back. The first trimester was something else (I had some pretty intense morning all-day sickness)! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you may have noticed that my food photos have faded to near oblivion over the past few months. That's because the majority of foods, with the exception of anything my mom made, A&W chicken strips, mangos and Bon Ton Bakery croissants, looked, smelled and tasted like roadkill. As someone who lives, breathes and sleeps food, it was rough going. That said, with every wave of queasiness and bout of exhaustion, I knew something amazing was happening in my body and that the IVF had worked. 

We're incredibly thankful for the army of friends and family who stood behind us during this oftentimes excruciatingly emotional and unpredictable journey. You guys are the best cheerleaders a couple could ever have and we love you. 

Thank you as well to everyone who left encouraging words of love and support on my previous blog posts describing our infertility challenges and our egg retrieval procedure. Your positive thoughts helped carry us through an emotionally, physically and mentally draining time. As I've said before, IVF is not for the faint hearted. But we did it. We totally did it. And did I mention I'm knocked up with two babies?! So crazy good.

And of course a million thank yous to our fertility specialist Dr. Motan, nurse Heather, embryologist Ryan and the countless other staff members we came into contact with at the Regional Fertility Clinic. What a gift it is to help couples like us start a family. You are the loveliest people, you made us feel comfortable throughout the process, allayed our fears time and time again and even put up with my wacky sense of humour. 

At the beginning of this journey, Dr. Motan had promised me twins and a 60 pound weight gain and he delivered. I'm hopeful the 60 pound weight gain is still negotiable. (; 

I'm in Vancouver for the next five days for BlogPodium but more details are to come next Wednesday for those of you interested in the IVF timeline and seeing pictures of our babes and my baby belly (fully clothed, I promise). I started writing that post back in June when we had our frozen embryo transfer. Since then, I've been keeping all kinds of wonderful secrets that I'm now ready to share. Hope to see you back here in a week!

Custom illustration by Mabel Garcia.

P.S. Scott and I were on CTV Edmonton today discussing our infertility journey as well as revealing our pregnancy. You can watch the video here.


  1. Dajana, I'm tearing up reading this post. I couldn't be happier for you and Scott. And twins?! Way to overachieve ;) I'll be giving you a great big hug x 3 when I see you soon. Congratulations mama-to-be!!

  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been hitting refresh on your blog about 20 times this morning. Hoping and praying that this would be the news in your post! Congrats to you and Scott!!!!! AND Twins!!!

  3. Yay yay yay yay YAY!!!!!!! When I saw your "heads up" last night I just knew it was going to be good news like a pregnancy announcement! But twins!! That I wasn't expecting, but I am SO happy for you!! Amazing! I hope you document your journey of pregnancy and mommyhood so peeps like myself can follow along and share in your joy :) Congrats to you and Scott! Xoxoxo

  4. Ooooohhhhh!! I'm crying happy tears for you, Dajana. Congratulations, and I'm glad you're starting to feel better too!

  5. YES!!!! Yes. Yes. Yes. I am beyond thrilled for you D! And, twins?! Amazing. Wishing you the best pregnancy, and can't wait to see those beautiful little faces... (plural!) Wow! Hope your relationship with food is steadily improving, ha! Totally worth it! Congratulations! Congrats just isn't a big enough word, but it will do for now. Yay!!

  6. Congratulations! I'm SO SO happy for you!!

  7. Congratulations!!!! So, so happy for you!! Yay for twins on the way ��������

  8. Yay!! I am so happy for you guys!! Modern medicine is amazing, isn't it?! We are so lucky to have access to such amazing resources! I hope you continue to feel better and better!

  9. My sweet friend, congratulations!!!! I'm so very happy for you and Scott both. Such exciting news. Sending so much love your way. xoxoxoxoxo

  10. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you guys!! I had a feeling I'd see a pregnancy announcement when you shared your teaser last night, but I definitely wasn't expecting to hear TWINS! How amazing. Two little people who will have the most loving parents!!

  11. Yay!! So excited for you guys. I saw your post on Instagram yesterday evening and was hoping this was the big news!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

  12. AHHHHHHHHHHHH YAAAAAAY!!! Oh my gosh congratulations time a million!! You've been so brave in sharing your journey and I am so so happy for you two and your twins!! I can't wait to meet you in vancouver (I find it totally weird we haven't met yet ps) and give you the biggest hug!! XO

  13. I saw the commercial for your appearance on the news tonight and thought I would visit your blog to comment that I was excited to watch it and found this post! Such happy news! Thank you for sharing your journey with such openness and honesty. I aspire to your bravery. I look forward reading of your new journey! Twins and motherhood! Congratulations to you and your husband! Enjoy your time in Vancouver!

  14. Such great news! See you at blogpodium!

  15. My heart leaped with joy when I read this post! I'm so so so beyond excited and elated for you and Scott! Congratulations Dajana, you are going to be such amazing parents <3 I bet those little babies can already feel the incredible amount of love. xo

  16. Congratulations!!!!! That is wonderful news! I am SO happy for you both! xoxo

  17. I was actually wondering this weekend....was looking for peeks of a bump in ur insta photos! Congratulations and double the fun, that'll be a handful! Wishing you a fantastic remainder of ur pregnancy and can't wait for peeks of the nursery/ries !

  18. I was wondering about you this weekend... Had been trying to see if I could catch peeks of a bump in ur insta photos! Congratulations! And double the fun... That'll be a handful! Wishing you a fantastic remainder of ur pregnancy, can't wait to see peeks of the nursery/ ries !

  19. This is amazing!! Congratulations!!

  20. This is amazing news my friend! Of course you deserve all the happiness that two babies can bring. Congrats dude.
    love you guys!

  21. YAY!!!!! That is awesome. I know we chatted when I was in Edmunchuck waaaay back in March and you were in the midst of IVF. I couldn't be more thrilled for you Dajana, you will make an amazing mother. See you this weekend!

  22. So excited for you two, Dajana! Amazing that you are blessed with two little babies! Glad to hear you are feeling better and looking forward to still following along as you are starting a new journey into motherhood and fatherhood! Yay!!!

  23. looove this announcement and your news segment. fantastic news!! you are going to be the most beautiful pregnant woman.

  24. Yes! Yay! Fantastic!! You're going to be the best momma, and with so much love to go around of course it should be two!

  25. Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!

  26. Congratulations! I just watched the news story, very good information. I've been told I would need IVF (from a shite gyno a handful of years ago) and I don't know if that is what will happen when we start trying but your story gives me hope. The cost is so much and I hope our province (and entire country) start to fund it.

  27. Congrats! This is really big news, totally understandable that you would burst in tears or hysterical laughs! Let it all out! May all the trying couples out there be blessed with children! My SIL is trying for 5 5 years already, I hope I hear her crying with this kind of happiness one day!

  28. Oops, my comment disappeared ;) I am just over-the-moon thrilled for you guys - this is amazing news! I totally cried when I read your post ☺️ Can't wait to follow your journey to becoming parents. I'm just so excited for you! Congrats!

  29. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! I am so unbelievably happy for you two! So much so that when I saw your Instagram post I cried like a baby and couldn't even read the words on the screen. I just saw the picture and cried. Call it hormones, call it being maybe far too invested in your story, or call it being a fellow mom to be of twins...I'm still crying those happy tears. I can't wait to read and see more of your journey and now I wish more than ever that I was going to Blog Podium to see you in person - but the 6-hour flight would aggravate these boys to no end given my current massive state. Oh man, Dajana. I don't even have words. I'm just so stinking happy for you. And that you're feeling better! Yay! Ok I'm ending this insane comment now. Sending you a ton of love!

  30. YAY!!! I'm so happy for you guys, I'm crying right now!!! Congratulations and WELCOME TO THE MOTHERHOOD!!!!! Can't wait to virtually meet your little people!!

  31. YAY!!! I'm so happy for you guys, I'm crying right now!!! Congratulations and WELCOME TO THE MOTHERHOOD!!!!! Can't wait to virtually meet your little people!!

  32. So ridiculously happy for you guys! Hugest congratulations to you. PS - could you have timed it any better than to be able to shout it from the rooftops, and baby-bump your way through the crowds at Blog Podium!?! Skills.


  33. BIG high fives and hugs, Dajana!!!!!! I am SO happy for you. What lucky littles to have you as their Mom. :D Have a wonderful weekend at BlogPodium. Can't wait for your next update. <3 <3 <3

  34. Congrats!! This is my first time reading your blog...I have read backwards for the past hour. Enjoy every step of your pregnancy with your twins. Dr. Motan was my dr there as well and I have 7 yr old twin girls now. Sign up for the Royal Alex twin and triplet prenatal classes. I am still friends with a couple of the fellow moms I met there. No one understands what it is like to have twins except other twin moms. You will appreciate the support in the first year! Check out the Edmonton Twin and Triplet club too. Great support during pregnancy as well as after!
    All the best to you in your pregnancy! As my husband always says, we were blessed with twins after such a long wait for a baby because we just didn't want to have to share one, so we each got our own to snuggle.

  35. Oh I am just so happy for you and Scott D! I can't wait to watch that belly grow, at 60 pounds and 2 babes it will be a good one! ;)

  36. Congrats!! It's so great hear a story like this with such a great ending. Or is just the beginning....... Ha!

  37. Hooray, hooray! Amazing news!!!!!

  38. What a first great blog post to come upon when looking at the Edmonton Blog Roundup!! Congrats to you!

  39. Many congratulations for you to having a successful pregnancy. Enjoy the motherhood and I wish you all the very best for your future.


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