Tuesday, April 26, 2011

decor: martha & ash pillows

I had been searching etsy for the perfect pillow (for what seems like eons) when I serendipitously stumbled upon Martha & Ash, a mother-daughter shop based in South Carolina, that offers up lovely pillows and gorg custom drapes.

Since my discovery, their sunny ikat pillow has been calling to me in my sleep. Its cheerful, saturated daffodil hue makes me happy and will be the perfect way to welcome spring into my humble abode.

Sunny's got some good lookin' friends too.

And for the furriest member of your family - ever-so-chic dog beds.  Yes, chevron exists for pups!

Now, if you're a bit more crafty (god love ya!) like my friend Christine, you could make your own pillow cover.  Check it.  The girl is quite da bomb diggity DIY'er.

Happy Tuesday friends!

Dajana  :)

p.s. Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend with those you love to bits. I spent time with family & friends and of course this lil' darling, my niece Raissa. She's holding Le Fraisier, a traditional French dessert that I purchased on a lark from my local love - Duchess Bake Shop.  Fresh strawberries wrapped around an almond lemon sponge cake, layered with spiced strawberry compote and strawberry mousse. yum. It tasted every bit as good as it looked.



  1. omg thats a work of art


  2. Yesiree, the Fraisier was truly a work of art Virginia. I just love discovering new sweets at Duchess. I also bought their Tawny Port and Beurre Noisette macarons - heavenly! Only around for April. Go. Quickly. ;)

    Thanks for popping in toots, D. xxoo

  3. Love that bright yellow pillow!! I think you should definitely go for it, it looks great and certainly enough to cheer up a room

  4. pillows + cake? (really really pretty cake, at that). Don't mind if I do!

  5. So happy to find your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. :) This etsy shop looks great! It will definitely become a favorite. I love the sea inspired pillow. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the one with the octopus on it. Really beautiful fabrics and they look so soft and homey.

    P.S. That cake is amazing. I'm sure it was worth every penny.

  7. that yellow ikat is beautiful - so is the one with the floral design. what an etsy shop find!!

    ps-i'm canadian, too - but now living in southern cal. my whole fam is still in canada though!! long live ketchup chips! haha


  8. wait. are you in edmonton? that's where i went to university!!

  9. Oh la la - I love that yellow pillow! Such a great find. Oh, and you have one adorable niece!

  10. You know it's love when the pillow starts calling to you in your sleep ;)

    And ohmygoodnes, that Duchess cake look sooo good! I'm going to have to get Mikey to stop by on his way home from work for some treats!

  11. super cute blog! follow me and see what i wear wardrobe wednesdays! xoxo

  12. Beautiful pillows...you must get the yellow. That cake is pretty too.

  13. I'm currently obsessed with pillows and curtains as well, including in my dreams! I love all them but I"m really feeling some extra love for the yellow one.

  14. What cute pillows! I especially love the octopus one.

    And that looks like a delicious cake.

  15. I want to visit Costa Rica so badly and those pictures sealed the deal!!

    Great Blog :)

    Meggie from Jeans and Tee's

  16. gorgeous pillows!! i think the yellow is my fave!

    and that cake looks amazing! i want a slice! :-)

    ps: i'm hosting a giveaway for an awesome ampersand sign... hope you'll join in!

  17. octopus pillow for a President! :)


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