Friday, May 27, 2011

shop talk: canada is on target!

Many of the fashion bloggers I follow regularly wear items purchased from the ubiquitous Target (over 1,700 stores in the US!).  I’ve often wished I was able to purchase those same affordably stylish items.

Wish no more! My northern ladyfriends and I will soon have the opportunity to shop our little red bulls eye hearts out, as the 109-year-old retailer recently unveiled its Canadian store locations.

via msn
In Edmonton, Target stores will be found at Kingsway Garden Mall, Bonnie Doon & Mill Woods Town Centre. There'll also be a store at St. Albert Centre and the Sherwood Park Mall. Calgary will see six Target stores open, including one in Chinook Centre and Market Mall.

I, for one, am quite excited for Target's arrival – especially the designer clothing & home goods collections. 

Is one of the above locations near you? 'My' store is only a 5 minute drive from my house. Super!

Happy Friday friends! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Dajana  :)


  1. and you can walk to another Target on your lunch hour :-)

  2. I can't wait till all the Wpg locations open ;) That'll be such an oh so lovely day!

  3. I am so looking forward to the great deals. I just hope we haven't built it up beyond reason after so many years waiting for one to appear in Canada.


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